Hey there!
Thanks for popping in. Permit me to share a little bit about myself and my family just the way that I love best…sharing through pictures.

I am the oldest child and the only daughter Clara Beth and Lewis Knight, poor Jeff, bless his heart, a Boomer child of the 50’s born in my Daddy’s hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas.

But since my parents planned to soon be moving to Mother’s transplanted home state of Oregon, my brief six weeks in Little Rock yielded no memories.

I lived an idyllic childhood for ten years in the Pacific Northwest, or as Gammie called it, God’s country.
To this day I am still sad that Daddy said it rained too much and was too heavily unionized - all of which made for a depressing environment. He longed to return to the South.
But I do have to wonder where he was living because to a girl of the 50’s I loved it and would put my childhood up against anybody’s. Oregon was a dream sequence which I would not trade.
That girl on the far left is Patti...she is still my BFF even though she lives in Montana. That was my gang - we left in the mornings on our bicycles with a sack lunch and no one saw us again until dinner. If I have an imagination and a live free or die spirit about me. THAT. IS. WHERE. IT. STARTED.

But like I said, Daddy wanted to get back home. The day we left ,Gandy, who was born and raised in Texas, said to me, “Nancy, the sky will seem much bigger there.” He was right.
Texas is Big Sky country. But we wouldn’t make our home in Texas until 1962. First we would live a brief 14 months in Little Rock before moving to Dallas in the Fall of 1962.
It meant going home to family and that was a good thing.

Like all children I would adapt, make new friends and put down roots in the South. Time does have a way of healing all wounds but I will always wonder what it would have been like if Daddy had loved Oregon. He encouraged me to make new friends. To me that was harsh advice, but that was his tough love style born out of his Depression era days.
It was good to be back in the South near Granny and Pop, especially cousins!

I graduated from Bryan Adams High School in Dallas in 1969, attended Abilene Christian University, taught school and married my high school sweetheart. But in 1980 after teaching Elementary School for seven years I had been through a divorce and was looking for a clean sheet of paper so David, my precious one and only,and I left Dallas in our rearview for a new life in a new place.
I moved to Houston to pursue residential Real Estate, which I loved, but the hours were hard so I transitioned into Commercial Real Estate in 1981.

Mike and I met in 1984 and on Valentine’s Day 1985 we blended our two families together. We have been blessed in Houston with a life that has taken us through the same ups and downs that all families face. But with hard work, faith and the support of friends and family - we’re still standing and enjoying all of the blessings that good health, great kids and God’s perfect gifts have afforded us.
Do let me hear from you, pray for you or answer any questions you might have about me, Edward or our business.
All God’s best,