This was our family Christmas card for 2014 - I am a passionate photo-journalist and Alaska did not disappoint. It is grand, overwhelming and 360 degrees of non-stop views. We felt we had finally experienced a frontier moment.
We took a helicopter to the top of the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau (the highlight of our trip) and in Skagway we rode the White Star Railroad. We were able to see bears and moose, albeit confined to an animal preserve outside of Anchorage. It is beautiful, quaint and mostly unchanged. Having spent my childhood in Oregon I have a special affinity for the Pacific Northwest, or as my Grandmother called it... God's Country.

Then in September Mike and I took the Grand Imperial Tour with good friends from church. The photograph above features a clock from Old Town Prague. The marble arch was made in Vienna and the window seat was taken in the Hapsburg Palace. The photo of the incredibly reverent and gothic stained glass window was made in Budapest.
We are so fortunate to travel since our dear friend Martha Norman began her own travel business almost ten years ago now She is a natural, very enthusiastic, incredibility nuanced and all we ever do is show up and have fun!

As always Atlanta Market is the the first week in January and this year was really challenging as Pressing Events prepared to introduce Interior Design. We began advertising in August with Holly Mathis Interiors and from that time forward I began to know and love Holly Mathis. This resulted in a collaboration as she provided much needed input and insight into this buying trip to Atlanta. We had a very successful trip - I only wish I had been so talented and accomplished at her age. I adore her vision and we are both enthusiastic Anglophiles. What a treat to travel to her new home just prior to leaving. While there I told her I could stand anywhere in her home and take a photo worthy of the best shelter magazines around... and believe me, she has already been published in many of them.

Of all that we previewed and decided to order, THESE PILLOWS represented our "OH, WOW!" moment. They are made in Paris, should arrive in late March and are only being offered at PRESSING EVENTS...Home & Paper.

We hope to see you soon in the store checking out all that was purchased and ordered, much of which has already arrived. Slipcovers, Custom Designed Upholstery, Custom Designed Bedding, Casegoods, Rugs and Art... all the wonderful purchases I started making back in 1998 - so excited to get back into Interior Design!
I look forward to flipping through our fabric samples, doing a room design and helping you solve your design puzzles!
I freely admit my talent and my art are intricately intertwined in my computer skills - both resourcing and overall design. I am a visual person, quite analytical and I have "to see it" first, so I go from a floor plan to a computer generated image to ultimately sourcing my interiors. Below is an example of this. It is a proposed Laundry Room makeover. Nothing like a hand drawn watercolor ,mind you, but oh so helpful in conceptualizing.

Here are a few of my favorites from the lake house which was designed, built and furnished in 2008 by me. Sadly, we have it currently listed for sale but I would hitch it to a trailer and take it with me if I could. As one of my daughter-in-laws says of me, "She does like change!."