Wade and Lainey Thanksgiving 2015
Today would have been Wade’s 46th birthday, this is our first without him.
I was Wade’s “SMOM” (step-mom) for 34 wonder-filled years. He was so much his Daddy's son sharing a passionate pursuit of golf and living life as Fan Favorite.

With Mike’s Daddy in Dimmitt circa 1975
As I told him shortly before he entered those Pearly Gates, he was the Golden Child most like his Daddy.
(When I shared this and an apology to Holly, Jeff and David... Holly said, “Like we didn’t know that.")
I certainly wasn’t a golden child but Wade’s daddy is one.

Running the streets, owning the hood, living free, circa 1978.
In the fall of 1984 Mike explained to each of his children that he was planning on marrying me. Wade’s response was honest and pure, “I don’t want her to be my mother.”

That was Wade’s loyalty and fidelity speaking. Nothing against me personally, but he already had a mother and he loved her fiercely as any little boy should.

Sea Island 1986
Wade was never anything but sweet, honoring and loving to me. I can honestly say he did a wonderful job of loving and honoring both of his mothers.
Shortly after Mike and I married my youngest brother Gregg died. I was outside watering plants when 11 year old Wade came and found me to tell me, “I am sorry about your brother.” His was very sensitive and like his Daddy had nothing in his heart but love.

Wade related to people, honored them and always remembered them. He truly loved his fellow man. If you were Wade’s friend you were very well-cared for.

Wade was a black and white kinda guy and he could be cantankerous.
One of my favorite Wade stories was when he went to Kamp Kanakuk with Holly in the summer of 1984. He wrote a letter home to his Dad...
”Dear Dad, they don’t let you eat lunch here until you write a letter to your family. Love, Wade”

Another great Wade story came on this trip to Dimmitt to pheasant hunt. The family caravanned to and from Dimmitt. I want to say there four carloads of Calvert’s when we pulled into a gas station in the booming metropolis of Hermeleigh, TX.
In the confusion Wade had gotten out of the Suburban and gone to the bathroom.
All four cars pulled back up onto the highway. As we gained speed I chanced to look into the backseat to count heads. I quickly realized Wade was missing and sure enough I looked up and spotted him coming out of the gas station.
Later after we all pulled over, explained what had happened and circled back for Wade his dad asked him what he thought when he saw all of us leaving.
“Well, first I was going to eat my candy bar. Then I was going to call Mom and tell her ‘Dad left me.’ “

Wade came into his own in High School. He played basketball and football but when he was forced to choose the choice was football. He and the Dulles Vikings treated all of us to a season that will never be forgot.

Dulles went all the way to State before they lost a game. That season was a perfect gift from a loving God.
Wow. Just Wow. 🤩

He was recruited for college ball and his dad’s favorite recruiting trip was to UT. But we weren't sad when he decided not to pursue football. It was the right decision. He would devote himself to golf moving forward.

Wade graduated from Texas A&M with first an undergraduate degree and then an MBA.

In 2005 Wade married Courtney Kreitz. And in 2010 he and Courtney had Lainey followed by Charley in 2013.

Wade and his girls racked up good times and lasting memories. Seeing Wade become a daddy was the best.

Wade and Brady did Daddy-ing together.

And as Brady said at Wade’s memorial, “Wade didn’t have a Bucket-list. Wade had Lainey and Charley.”

In 2015 our family went to New York City for Thanksgiving. Since Courtney’s not a flyer and Charley was too young it was only Wade and Lainey. Incredible memories were made and we have these lasting pictures for our family.
We of course had no clue we were making our way to the summit of this life with Wade.

We hit the mountaintop in the summer of 2017 with an all family trip to Rosemary Beach. Little did we know when Wade complained of a persistent pain in his neck requiring Mike to take him to the ER that we were approaching the end of our earthly days with Wade.

In the spring of 2017 we lost Patty to an aneurism. Devastating.
That fall Wade would enjoy more time with family but after assisting with the clean-up following Hurricane Harvey in he got pneumonia. By January he would confide to his dad that he had lost twenty pounds and wasn’t feeling well.

On February 5 Mike came home far earlier than expected. When I looked up and saw his face I just said, “Oh dear God, no!”

With the help of our friends in key places Wade got into an experimental program at MD Anderson. Friends and family gathered with us at church to pray for a miracle.... for this young man, husband, son, brother, father and friend, that this cup might pass.
God was with us every step of the journey and we were amazed by all that Wade accomplished in his final ten months on this earth.

We did Disney Land

He picked Lainey up from her first year at Kanakuk.

Precious time with Jeff and Holly

Fishing in Port O’Connor

Golf with his dad, Matt and Jay Davis in Congaree

And a spectacular weekend in College Station with a friend and their girls tailgating and camping in a Winnebago. Then a special trip to the field following the game. Priceless!!
Wade did not quit working until two weeks before he passed. We were certain he would make it to Christmas, such was his resolve... and he did make it to Christmas Eve.

Wade's Testimony
Tony Campolo has a great sermon called Sunday’s Coming. In it he tells the listener that once we die all that remains of us is our testimony.
Above is Wade’s testimony.
Neither Mike nor I knew about it until after Wade passed and Holly and Mike were putting together his service. Needless to say, we were blown away by the words Wade had shared with Holly in June of 2018.

Wade, we miss you every minute of every day. BUT. We know exactly where you are and we look forward to running full out to meet you in Heaven for the rest of eternity.
And as your daddy said when he buried his own father, “We wouldn’t bring you back even if we could.”
Because on December 23,2018 REAL LIFE began for Wade Lee Calvert.