This guy, Daddy, and Mother lived with us in the final months of his illness. One day I asked him exactly how many times he had read through his Bible. He answered that since retirement he had read it through twelve times.
And that got me to thinking—I better get started.

January of 2017 I began my second read-through of the Bible. But since David had given Mike Jon Courson’s Commentaries I would reference a topic every now and again to learn more.
I was so intrigued with the background

and the in-depth amplification that in 2018 I resolved to read through the Old Testament while also reading all of the companion comments from the Commentary at the same time. Then in 2019 I began the New Testament the very same way.
Mornings with God and coffee are now my favorite way for starting my day. For the first time in my life I can say that I am a student of the Bible.

I put my Lord on in baptism when I was ten and we were living in Oregon. I took Bible Study credit in HIgh School growing up in Dallas and then attended a Abilene Christian University where we were required to take Bible.

And of course all of my life I have benefited from
Sunday morning sermons most recently for 34 years now with the best Rabbi ever, Ronnie Norman.
Sunday morning sermons most recently for 34 years now with the best Rabbi ever, Ronnie Norman.

So maybe I just had to get old or perhaps God had to take my heart to Heaven the way he did when I kissed Daddy goodbye— because now I am enjoying intimacy with my creator like never before.

I really like what this commitment is doing for me personally. I feel “transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18, NIV). And that leads to “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Gal. 5:22, NIV).

Between Alys Beach, Houston and Beaver Creek, God has blessed me with some wonderful views.

I hope I will always choose to rise above the distractions of this sin-filled world that I live in with a morning re-boot and some power moments spent focusing and listening to God.
Because at the end of the day I want to know the fruits of the spirit. That means saying to myself what I used to tell my elementary school students, “If all else fails, read your directions.” For me that means God’s manual for this life, his word, the Bible.
Thank you, Daddy, for showing me by the life you lived what matters most in this world. You hung my moon and I long to see you again and run to your open arms...for eternity.

“I pray Father for both forgiveness and strength to overcome my sins, to see them as sins, to see them as standing between me and everything you would give me. I ask these things in the name of my savior, Jesus Christ, amen”
Lots of love,